Nejc Komel

Nejc Komel



Senior Technology Solution Manager for Europe
IBM Switzerland

Areas of support

Every person has both the opportunity and the responsibility to plan for its own future or that of the descendants. Various government schemes or the investment industry itself offer plenty of options. However, an average individual typically does not have neither the expertise nor the time to digest the breadth or potential pitfalls of all these options.

This introduces the potential risk of exploitation such as through unwanted assets depletion by unnecessary intermediary costs, which is even different by gender. I support OWN goals of reducing the gender gap and providing access to socially responsible investment.

Being a technology enthusiast and established professional in the field, endeavoring in such a socially important project by infusing the technology aspects in it’s inception phase poses for me a personal challenge.

I believe that by giving individuals the option of a truly transparent investment vehicle, with clarity over how assets are managed through a socially responsible approach, with less intermediary costs and with sustainability and gender equality in mind sends a positive signal to nowadays generations and establishes a better ground for our future generations as well.