Michael Christen

Michael Christen


I am passionate about the objectives of OWN. In particular, I believe in making accessible more widely the ‘free lunches of investment management’ of discipline and diversification in combination with low-cost access to the premia for liquidity risk and market risk-taking.

An expert in insurance and investment management with 20+ years of worldwide experience, most recently Michael was a Head of ALM and Strategic Asset Allocation for Zurich Insurance Group and Chief Investment Officer for Zurich Insurance Switzerland.

After having left Zurich in September 2018, Michael has embarked on an adventure as entrepreneur. One of his ventures is developing OWN as co-founder.  Michael brings strong discipline in the development of OWN’s value propositions, with focus on savings and investments and technology. He strongly believes in the social purpose of OWN and brings the local Swiss cultural nuances to the understanding of our customers and how we can create value for them.